Friday, May 21, 2010

My Life as an Intern: Week 2

Week two was truly as about inspiring as the title of this post. After last week's overtime and then days off, this week made me realize what the "grind" really mean. I didn't work any overtime this week, nor did I have any desire or need to. There was a project meeting on Monday followed by the assignment and reassignment of boring projects. Whereas last week there was always something I needed to finish, this week was full of me trying to figure out what I should be doing. Why can't the project manager actually manage the project or at least give me some resources to learn something?

The most exciting thing to happen at work this week was probably filling out time-sheets. Maybe I'm just easily entertained, but excel spreadsheets that fill themselves out are about the best thing ever. Calculating my hours, putting my personal information in the right spaces, and all that good excel magic. However, I did manage to check out the expo this week, which I will cover with a post right after this one. All in all, lets hope next week will be more interesting. Working as an archi-intern is fluctuatingly boring.

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