Monday, May 17, 2010

My Life as an Intern: My boss, my boss' boss, my boss' boss' boss

Last week was my first week working an architectural Intern. Having only just completed my sophomore year, I could not possibly have known what to expect. The firm I currently work at is a division of one of the largest firms in the world (or so they claim). It definitely feels big. Taking up the entire 22nd floor of a very funky yet corporate looking building (and parts of the 21st) this monstrosity of an office as only one part of a huge web of offices is hard to imagine. Timesheets and overtime approval forms and software licensing forms aside, I did feel like I signed my soul away today when I signed my contract...

Working in a firm is remarkably different from school, where I'm sort of my own boss and the professors are some omnipotent archi-demi-gods. At least as an intern, I am incredibly confused about the chain of command I am under. I assume that I am the smallest fish on the chain, but just exactly whose orders and I suppose to follow, and who has the final word on the many modifications each make on the other's instructions? Perhaps I'll figure it out in time.

I think someone should shoot a true-life documentary on archi-interns. 

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