Sunday, May 16, 2010

Home3d app and why the future is full of terrible looking homes

Inspiration for this article can be found at
I recently got an iPad. I am very happy with the purchase. However,
today everything changed. I was blissfully browsing for apps as usual,
looking for things to put on this beautiful piece of machine. I don't
know what possessed me, but I typed in "architecture" into the search
bar. Then, everything I believed to be good In this world changed
drastically when I came upon his app. This abomination of a bad idea
and whatever posses these people to produce it and bring it to light
makes me want to rip my eyes out.

The home3d app has a very innocent name, but behind it is a monster.
The developers, if they can be called that, claim it to be the perfect
tool for architects, clients, interior decorators, and remodeling
enthusiasts. Watch your designs come to life they say, communicate in
ways you never thought possible they say. Nay! I won't even give this
app the validation of a purchase if only to feed my curiosity and to
have the right to put this rant in the app review column with negative
stars. The app boasts the ability to create a home, complete with
furnishings and interior decoration. With the additional feature of
being able to make a walk through of your doomed hodgepodge of a
shelter in video form.
I can only hope that any "creation" produced with this app stays on
the diseased and forsaken iPad on which it is created. If anything
made on this app even resembles anything close to your dream home,
then I am truly sorry. There is no salvation. Your sheer lack of
imagination and will to live makes this the perfect app to pull you
into the underworld. Before you do though, make sure to mail your iPad
to someone who will use it for something that won't be offensive to

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